Research Lab

SEA Lab Logo

Th Software Evolution and Analysis (SEA) Lab develops techniques, tools, and methodologies that help developers efficiently understand, design, build, and maintain high-quality software systems.

Our research analyzes and leverages software artifacts (bug reports, source code, online discussions, etc.) and builds on creating, adapting, and integrating techniques based on program analysis, software repository mining (MSR), information retrieval (IR), natural language processing (NLP), and machine/deep learning (ML/DL).

Ph.D. Students

Antu Saha
Trevor Stalnaker (*)
Nathan Wintersgill (*)
Nadeeshan De Silva

(*) Co-advised with Denys Poshyvanyk

Past Ph.D. Students

  • Yang Song (2020 – 2024), Dissertation: Automated Bug Report Management to Enhance Software Development, First position after graduation: Co-founder at AiMoray

Past Master Students

  • Grant Enderson (2023 – 2024), Research project: AI-Assisted Generation of Software Bills of Materials for Python Projects, First position after graduation: software engineer intern at Radix Health

Past Undergraduate Students

  • Kobi Feldman (2022 – 2023), Research project: On the Relationship Between Code Verifiability and Understandability